pet delivery

delivery by airline

Your little dog leaves from the air terminal Airlines Pet-Safe in our Area to your closest air terminal in your City ( Airport ) He/she goes in an environment-controlled lodge region for pets, in an aircraft-supported transporter. Early you will have a flight #, appearance time, and a reference # that distinguishes your doggy. We make every one of the game plans for you, and you get your doggy at the air terminal or it can as well be delivered to your address from the airport by the Van delivery service.

We transport our young doggies utilizing carriers since it is the quickest and most secure method for shipping our pups from our place to yours particularly assuming that you live far away or in another state. Our pups are transported in a carrier-endorsed plastic. They ride in an exceptional environment controlled and compressed compartment on the plane which is no distinction from the lodge. They are not in a similar compartment as the traveler’s baggage.

visiting policy

Our puppies are in our home, so visits are allowed by appointment, only for clients on our waiting list or who have reserved a puppy with us. The deposit must be paid in advance/prior to the visit. This is applied towards the final price of your puppy and it will be written on your deposit receipt as well. Visiting hours are between 10am – 6pm of the day. We need at least 12 hours’ notice if you would like to visit your puppy in our home.